19 listopada 2007

Ribe & Esbjerg & 'propeller'

Cathedral in Ribe (photo by me) Widok z wieży / View from tower (photo by Bartek) almost all Polish Dream Team of that day (photo by someone..) dziuuura / hooooole ;-p (photo by Maciej) (photo by me) opactwo / abbey (photo by Anna) tak żyli Wikingowie / this is how Winking lived (photo by me) a tak my zachwycamy sie chatką / and this is how we are enjoing small house (photos by everyone) śmigiełko!! / small propeller!! mrówki.. / ants.. (photo by Maciej) z Ola na "szczycie świata" / with Ola "on top of the world" (photo by ?) coś spadło? / something collapsed? (photo by me) Konrad z jego (pimp)śmigiełkiem / Konrad and his (pimp)prop.. ;-p (photo by me) duuuże, brzydkie ludzie.. / big, not handsome elements.. / in Esbjerg (photo by me) konsulat Finlandii / Finish consulate / in Esbjerg (photo by me) oto widok z jego okien/ and view from it's windows.. :-o (photo by me)

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